acceptable concentration

美 [əkˈseptəbl ˌkɑːnsnˈtreɪʃn]英 [əkˈseptəbl ˌkɒnsnˈtreɪʃn]
  • 可接受浓度;允许浓度;容许浓度
acceptable concentrationacceptable concentration
  1. Secondly , Acceptable concentration level of mixtures prediction models are established on the basis of quality prediction models by changing the input and output of the quality forecast neural network models .


  2. Combined BaP pollution in cities of China in air with level of death rate of lung cancer , it suggests by complicated analysis that it be appropriate 0.5-0.6 μ g / 100m3 as acceptable concentration of BaP in air .


  3. The maximum acceptable sulfide concentration and volumetric removal rate of simultaneous anaerobic sulfide and nitrate removal process were higher than those of simultaneous anaerobic sulfide and nitrite removal process .


  4. TCE time-weighed average ( TWA ) concentration of sample air , from 24 dry-cleaning shops taken randomly in Lanzhou , were measured with gas chromatography to estimate exposure levels , analyze risk characterization and calculate acceptable indoor TWA concentration of TCE .
